> > > Anybody know of any module I can use to hit back at these default.ida bozos
> > > (i.e. keep them away from my IP addresses ?). I'm running apache/modperl on
> > > Win32.
> > 
> [snip]
> > ::grin::  In the post he mentioned about trashing the kernel on NT so 
> > this might be kinda fun...
> Well you might think it's fun but there are those who'd say it's criminal.

        Sorry, you're right.  I meant fun in the same way that Looney
Toons and Wilie Coyote.  Funny to watch a cartoon fall off a cliff, but
not necessarily funny in life.

> Please don't promote irresponsible ideas on the mod_perl List.

        My bad.... script kiddies, go away, grow up, be responsible, and
look to other security oriented lists such as incidents and bugtraq for
bad ideas.  -sc

        PS <line type="fine" personal_opinion="true">Bad ideas aren't
bad, execution of bad ideas is bad.</line>

Sean Chittenden

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