Hi list,

I'm having a problem that seems to have come up a few times before,
but mine seems to be a little different.

I am getting hundreds of 'Subroutine xxxx redefined' in my Apache
error_log. The amount of messages I get changes frequently and so far I
have not been able to relate it to anything. Sometimes I only get the
messages at startup, but currently I get about 300 messages per page

I am using Apache::Reload and from other posts it looks like
getting redefined messages is expected behaviour. However, when
I no longer use Apache::Reload, I still get the copious logging,
which I obviously want to get rid of before going to production.

Here is an excerpt from my httpd.conf:

PerlWarn On
PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
PerlSetVar ReloadModules "Testing::*"
PerlSetVar ReloadAll On

PerlSetEnv modulepath '/nutter/data/perl/'
PerlModule Testing::Handler::Handler
PerlModule Apache::DBI

Also of note is that the Handler uses a Loader module, which iterates
through all the modules in some paths and requires them all. This is
so we can avoid the maintainance of having to add more use's when we
add a new object to the hierarchy. Some modules that are included in
this iterative require also use the Loader.  This should be fine,
as require 'demands that a library file be included if it hasn't
already been included'.

Is it possible that things are getting messed up here because of the
modperl environment?

Any other ideas?

Thanks in advance,


$A='A';while(print+($A.=(grep{($A=~/(...).{78}$/)[0]eq$_}"  A A A  "
=~m{(...)}g)?"A":" ")=~/([ A])$/){if(!(++$l%80)){print"\n";sleep 1}}

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