On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, matt wrote:
> > which I obviously want to get rid of before going to production.
> Anyway why do use Apache::Reload in production?
> Also you don't want to have PerlWarn On in production.
We are not in production yet.

> See the guide for more info.

Yes, thank you for the guide, it has been my main reference as I've
got to learn mod_perl.

> What's this Loader? Does it do some File::Find dirs traversing and
> automatically loads the files it finds?

Yes, it runs through some given paths, matching files that match the
type of class that it should find in those paths. It then requires
those packages. It also generates methods via AUTOLOAD to allow
you to query what classes are available.



$A='A';while(print+($A.=(grep{($A=~/(...).{78}$/)[0]eq$_}"  A A A  "
=~m{(...)}g)?"A":" ")=~/([ A])$/){if(!(++$l%80)){print"\n";sleep 1}}

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