
> The behavior you see ["xxx redefined"] is normal. Apache::Reload
> reloads files because it detects that they have changed and then you
> see all the reload messages.  Now why your code get Apache::Reload
> confused and makes it believe that your modules were changed is
> the question.

I thought this was the case, after reading some of the
archives. However in my original post:

> > I am using Apache::Reload and from other posts it looks like
> > getting redefined messages is expected behaviour. However, when
> > I no longer use Apache::Reload, I still get the copious logging,
> > which I obviously want to get rid of before going to production.

I noted that even after removing all traces of Apache::Reload, the
problem won't go away.

> Is there a chance that you touch(1) the modules in question, which
> causes their timestamp to be updated, and thus be newer than the
> one stored in Apache::Reload's memory?

Checking with ls(1) immediately after an apache restart, I can
see that the status and timestamp is unchanged, but (as expected)
the access time is set to the current time. While I haven't checked
the Apache::Reload source, it seems pointless to update modules if
only their access times have changed.

Any other suggestions will be gratefully received!


$A='A';while(print+($A.=(grep{($A=~/(...).{78}$/)[0]eq$_}"  A A A  "
=~m{(...)}g)?"A":" ")=~/([ A])$/){if(!(++$l%80)){print"\n";sleep 1}}

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