Louis LeBlanc wrote:

> I'm just getting started learning perl and mod_perl (might as well
> jump in with both feet, right?).  I am mostly just doing my own thing
> and trying to solve interesting little problems as they come up.


> Anyway, I'd like to know if it is customary for any schmuck who has
> deluded himself into thinking his module is the cat's ass to submit it
> to CPAN and put up a tile as a mod_perl hacker?

The truth is that it doesn't matter how many modules you have submitted 
to CPAN. You become a mod_perl hacker by being an *active* contributor. 
And you can contribute in many direct and subtle ways. Some of the 
mod_perl contributors don't have a single module on CPAN, while they 
made their name by helping a lot on this and other lists, helping out 
with documentation or simply submitting patches bug fixes. Eventually 
you may want to subscribe to the developer mailing list and see if you 
can help there.

There is a lot of potential in the mod_perl field for people who want to 
contribute. And we always welcome new contributors.


> If you care to check out the couple of little things I've done, and
> tell me what a dope I am for thinking anyone gives a cr@p, check out
> my little dinky page at http://www.keyslapper.org/modules/.

This usually works another way around. When you have a proposal for a 
new Apache:: module (either just an idea or a full blown module) you 
submit it to this list with the description *inline* so people can 
respond to the portions of your proposal. After a while you will know 
whether your module seem to be useful and you should proceed with its 
submission. Nobody will stop you from submitting your module even if 
nobody likes it, but that's up to you. Usually, members of the list are 
intimately familiar with many other existing modules and may suggest 
that your proposal duplicates some existing module, and you may want to
build on top of the existing module or send the patches to its author.

BTW, your proposal post's subject should look something like:
Subject: [RFC] Apache::404

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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