On 10/29/01 10:39 AM, Stas Bekman sat at the `puter and typed:
> [snip]
> The truth is that it doesn't matter how many modules you have submitted 
> to CPAN. You become a mod_perl hacker by being an *active* contributor. 
> And you can contribute in many direct and subtle ways. Some of the 
> mod_perl contributors don't have a single module on CPAN, while they 
> made their name by helping a lot on this and other lists, helping out 
> with documentation or simply submitting patches bug fixes. Eventually 
> you may want to subscribe to the developer mailing list and see if you 
> can help there.


> [snip]
> > If you care to check out the couple of little things I've done, and
> > tell me what a dope I am for thinking anyone gives a cr@p, check out
> > my little dinky page at http://www.keyslapper.org/modules/.
> This usually works another way around. When you have a proposal for a 
> new Apache:: module (either just an idea or a full blown module) you 
> submit it to this list with the description *inline* so people can 
> respond to the portions of your proposal. After a while you will know 
> whether your module seem to be useful and you should proceed with its 
> submission. Nobody will stop you from submitting your module even if 
> nobody likes it, but that's up to you. Usually, members of the list are 
> intimately familiar with many other existing modules and may suggest 
> that your proposal duplicates some existing module, and you may want to
> build on top of the existing module or send the patches to its author.
> BTW, your proposal post's subject should look something like:
> Subject: [RFC] Apache::404

Ok, This is helpful.  Thanks for the enlightenment here.  I'll try to
get into this habit.  Though I have to admit that it scares me a bit
to put out the smallest seed of an idea and have ideas thrown at me in
a veritable hurricane of suggestions.  Of course I'm sure it's not
like that at all, but I guess I still have my stupid little
insecurities in this area.  I'll get over it :)

Thanks Stas
Louis LeBlanc               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
http://www.keyslapper.org                     ԿԬ

  I love your outfit, does it come in your size?

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