> Just today, I finished a new module - my first from scratch - for
> handling 404 errors.  I know Apache::404 isn't a real imaginative
> name, but it works.

I took a look at this, it's a good idea for smaller sites.  I would
suggest that you figure out a way to put a rate limit on the number
of E-mails that are sent warning the admin, though.  On my site
we receive over a million page views a day...When something gets
broken I don't want to have 10,000 E-mails in my inbox.

In addition, there are many black hats out there who might be
tempted to use this an exploit.  I once had a script that told the
user "Error blah blah...An E-mail has been sent to our support
staff to notify them of the problem."  Of course some people
decided to call the script thousands of times and fill up the
hard drive on our mail server.

Of course, not all sites are going to have issues like this...But
I think if you're going to be releasing modules it might be a
good idea to include some notes for sites that MIGHT.


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