The aim of the cookie example in the eagle book is a bit more than just 
authentication. Most of the answers here to use a 
session ID here are quite right for most purposes, but the code in the eagle book 
offers to store information on the client side 
with the security of a signature. Its NOT just authentication.
This has some advantages for applications which are on more than one server, which 
have to use an expensive central DB 
lookup and/or are not connected at all, since the only thing to share is the secret.

This is quite perfect of a decentral intranet.
In my last project i did a LARGE single sign on implementation over loads of 
applications which used those cookies for 
authentication and for getting the DN and preferred language out of the cookie, all 
w/o any need of further DB lookups or LDAP 
Since the logic is quite simple its also possible to parse/check the cookie in tomcat 
or any other web application and leave 
the logon to a central server. The secret is then shared over an https connection.
By rotating the secret one gets a certain level of security (and automated logout).

More or less the eagle book offers the full implementation of a single sign on 
solution with some nice features already 
implemented, missing is the secret rotation with more than one secret and some 
intelligent caching of it (just retrieve anew on 
a failed signature check e.g. which is in some other cookie module on CPAN?). 
What its not in my opinion is a simple authentication, its to complicated for that. A 
simple session ID suffices - and with 
session IDs there are all those nice things to play as putting them into the DNS, 
doing some url rewriting with mod_rewrite or 
just putting them in every URL automagically with some class.

>I did not know that you could verify that someone has cookies turned on.
>Can you point me to where i can find out how to do this?  Is there a
>variable that you can check?

The ticketlogin example in the eagle book does this by setting a redirect_url cookie 
before redirecting you to the login page, if 
this cookie is missing there the - sorry youve no cookies please enable them - page is 


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