> > If you happen to type in a URL, they can revive your
> > session from the cookie.  Pretty nifty trick.
> This would seem to be a security hole to me.  URLs appear in the logs
> of the server as well as any proxy servers along the way.  If the URL
> contains reusuable auth info, anybody accessing any of the logs could
> gain access to customer accounts.

I disagree.  The server logs are somewhat irrelevant because they should
already be under access control, and they could contain anything including
HTTP headers and content from post requests.  As for proxies, they see the
entire HTTP transaction anyway.  If they aren't trusted, the data should be
encrypted end-to-end with SSL.  If the session-id is in the URL, an end-user
cannot accidentally get a personalized page intended for somebody else.  As
you mentioned, you could prevent an intermediate cache from caching the page
with a "Cache-Control: private", but you then need to trust that the cache
is HTTP/1.1 compliant.

If anybody is afraid of using Amazon now, I believe David mentioned in a
previous post that Amazon switches to SSL (and a new session id) whenever
you deal with data they feel should be kept private. :-)

- Kyle

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