On Thu, Oct 11, 2001 at 11:25:43AM -0400, Drew Taylor wrote:
> I feel a little stupid now that I actually read up on tying hashes. Had I 
> read Ch 14 of the Camel #3, I might have phrased my question in a better 
> way so as to not illuminate my inexperience with tying variables. :-)

 n/p :)
> I assume that the reason I get the "Can't locate the render_format method" 
> is because you're not actually storing any objects yet?

 Not sure.  It should be able to see it.  Can you give me the line number
 or any other context for it?  Is it version 0.03 (the changes I mentioned
 in the previous e-mail)?

 Do you have Config::Pod located somewhere?  It's needed for the
 PerlKB::Configuration::Pod module to work (and no, I don't have that
 documented that I know of, yet - sorry).

 Btw, thanks for trying it out -- especially since I don't have access to
 Microsoft sysems :)
> One final question, by using "our" you're restricting these modules to perl 
> 5.6.x. Is there any particular reason for this? From the looks of it, the 
> usage of our could easily be changed. Do you have plans to take advantage 
> of other 5.6 specific features? Either way it would be nice if you included 
> a "require 5.6.0;" in PerlKB.pm so that it would be immediately obvious to 
> the new user.

 I will include a `require 5.006;'

 I do make use of `use base', the three argument form of `open' and
 auto-vivification of file handles in addition to `our'.  Can't think of
 any others right now.

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