>I know this is a bit off topic, but I could use some immediate advise on
>server config?
>Got a server which is getting hit really bad.
>Have to keep it up.  I've got:
>P Timeout 300
># Keepalive, better on this server...
>KeepAlive               On
>MaxKeepAliveRequests    100
>KeepAliveTimeout        5

Hmm... I usually drop keep alive all together and move the images to 
another server... like images.yourhost.com.  Keep Alive should be set 
high enough to avoid closing a connection before a machine has time 
to make the next request.  5 seconds is a pretty short interval.  And 
with your 1 second ping times, your looking at a 2 second round trip 
on packets...  So there'll be 2 or more seconds of delay between the 
time that the first request sends it's last packet and when the next 
request sends it's first packet.

I'd suggest upping the keep alive timeout to 10 or 15 (isn't 15 the default?).

Another possible solution (if you have a lot of memory and a lot of 
dynamic content) is to throw a squid cache on the web server.  I had 
good luck with squid during the last election...

Good luck,


"Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former." --Albert Einstein

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