* Nick Tonkin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [011016 17:28]:
> ...
> I guess in general I favor independent component APIs upon which you
> can build, a la Apache::Session, rather than the monster
> "Application Servers" ... it seems that you get the same effect but
> with more control. Of course, I've had the luxury of afew years'
> experience; someone starting out may prefer a canned solution ...

Sure, and you'd probably find that a lot of application servers -- at
least ones in Perl -- do this as well. For instance, the OpenInteract
session handling is exactly as you describe, a thin interface layer
around Apache::Session. Templating is through Template Toolkit,

Leveraging the work of all the smart people in the community is, to
me, a no-brainer. My view is that an application server makes all this
stuff work together, consistently, and then adds functionality on top
of it rather than in place of it.

But if you've been working on and building up a platform for 4+ years
that already does this, then there's very little to be gained and lots
to be lost by moving to an application server. :-)


Chris Winters ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Building enterprise-capable snack solutions since 1988.

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