At 11:13 PM 10/16/01, Dominique Quatravaux wrote:
> > also does modperl support object oriented programming?
>   Well yes it does indeed (see any good book on Perl, such as
>«advanced Perl programming» from O'Reilly).
>   As for the remaining of the question, I've been wondering for myself if
>there is a MVC (model-view-controller) framework for WWW publishing in
>Perl ? I gather there exist quite a few for Java, but I couldn't find
>anything significant under Perl.

Our eXtropia toolkit is just about the only one out there that caters to 
all CGI environments with MVC architecture (action objects and action 
manager for controller, normal DB objects for model, and template toolkit 
for view)...

If you go to you can download any Perl WebDB app, 
WebCal, or WebBBS to see an example. We are still in a mode where we are 
distributing apps built around the framework rather than the framework 
itself but you can get the idea.

WebDB in particular has a lot of documentation itself for free.

If you are really interested in toolkit docs, we have an 800 page book out 
by McGraw-Hill whose later half 400 pages discusses in raw detail the 
architecture of the toolkit itself and how all the pieces fit together.

One of the sad things is that the intelligent people on this list tend to 
have their head a bit in the ground when it comes to alternative 
environments other than mod_perl. mod_perl's a great tool but there's a lot 
of other Perl environments out there not the least of which is just plain 
old CGI. This is why our toolkit specifically caters to all.

The other thing is that many (although not all) Perl people tend to have 
their head in the ground related to dealing with other environments such as 
Java. Our toolkit also plugs into Java environments. For example, we have a 
completely interoperaple Perl <-> Java persistence layer (via SOAP) if you 
wish to use a Java driver for a Perl front-end.

We also spent considerable time porting our toolkit and several apps to 
Java MVC framework so we have Java Servlet/JSP equivalents of everything.

Yet another thing is that many Perl people also have their head in the 
ground about Win32 compatibility. We've strived to make sure our entire 
toolkit will work reasonably well on Win98 and Win2000. A toolkit that only 
works on mod_perl will by definition not work well on Win2000 except as a 
toy because Win32 mod_perl is a single blocking thread. Great for 
development, not so great for production (unless the site is really small).

I would venture to say that some of the mod_perl-only toolkits have some 
cases of being better designed than ours, but they are mostly mod_perl 
only.  In fact, I don't know if I know any other toolkits than ours that 
are not mod_perl only of the ones that were advertised on the list.

Of course, this may be what you are looking for.  But since you mentioned 
Perl MVC and not specifically mod_perl-only MVC, I figured I would jump in 
and mention the alternative since we are much more open to alternative 
environments and not being closed in to just mod_perl.


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