Michael wrote:

> Are any of the packages mentioned particularly suited to client
> content management packages where the client can manage some
> limeted page content text/graphics but not really mess with the
> overall page layout and site content. I'm about to start researching
> this but would like input from the "experts".

Maybe you can try our software. Metadot is a content management server side
application written in mod_perl.   All content management in it is done from
client browsers. It can also be seen as an application framework providing User,
Session and sophisticated Access Control management, all of these accessible
from client browsers.  (The site administrator, though, gets complete power to
limit users access/modification rights to content, and can even set disk space
quotas for them.)

Metadot comes with an API that makes it easy to create specialized applications
on top of it, as well as with a wealth of bundled apps for adding content such
as uploaded files, text, images, content categories, discussion and polls.

We are open source under the GPL, and we're backed by a big oil-services
company.  We've just released Version 4.0b. Among its new features are:

-Support for windows (IIS and Activestate PerlEx)
-A simple templating system to alter page layout/design
-A facility to do recursive access permissions changing from the browser
-A feature that turns discussions into mailing lists
-Improved documentation
-A developers support site at http://www.metadot.net

I work for them,  but a couple of years ago I would have wished to have the
functionality we now provide for what my previous job required. :-)


Claudio Garcia

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