I think you also have to specify weather your web applications are
state-less or not. If stateless, then you can just use DNS Round Robin
technique or lbnamed (Load Balancing Name Server) to achieve this load
balancing or high availability.

If your apps are statefull as in ASP, Cold Fusion, JSP, etc, then you'll
need to retain the sessions and that becomes more complicated but

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Hemant Singh wrote:

> Hi All
> I am planning to host an application and its size is going to be big one , so expect 
>the concurrent number of connection s to be around 2200.To combat the same , want to 
>perform load sharing on 3-4 servers.So the ide is to put one machine on external IP 
>and this machine , after receiving the requests would forward them to any of the 
>other three machines having the application deployed and running on the same 
>environment.Pls suggest how can i achieve this on apache.
> Thanks in advance
> Hemant

Medi Montaseri                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix Distributed Systems Engineer            HTTP://www.CyberShell.com
CyberShell Engineering

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