Bas A.Schulte wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been meaning to write an article about how I used Apache/mod_perl 
> to implement a mobile SMS application platform as it demonstrates use of 
> Apache/mod_perl outside the Web realm, something I hadn't seen so far. 
> Time constraints (as always) have prevented me from doing this properly, 
> however, I'll try to give a short description of the system.
> The goal kinda is to see if others are using Apache/mod_perl in a 
> similar way to share experiences, discuss issues that arise or discuss 
> alternatives (I'd love someone to tell me I'm an idiot for handling all 
> this lowlevel stuff myself and move to J2EE/java at once, if he can 
> convince me I could have implemented this with the same budget and time 
> frame).

Very nice, Bas. Thanks for sharing with us.

For J2EE in Perl see Very early alpha though.

For protocol server httpd-2.0/modperl-2.0 is exactly what you want, 
since it supports protocol servers and other useful things you will most 
likely benefit from (e.g. filtering), but don't hold your breath yet, 
since httpd-2.0 is not out yet. Though if you plan doing a next 
generation some time in the future, you probably better off start 
looking at modperl-2.0. We already have Eliza protocol example running 
as one of the tests:

t/TEST  -v protocol/eliza
ok 1
# send: Hello Eliza
# recv: Hi. What seems to be your problem?
ok 2
# send: How are you
# recv: You're not really talking about me -- are you?
ok 3
# send: Why do I have core dumped?
# recv: That's quite interesting.
ok 4
# send: I feel like writing some tests today, you?
# recv: That is interesting. Please continue.
ok 5
# send: good bye
# recv: That is interesting. Please continue.
ok 6
All tests successful.

This is the client:
This is the server:

Also, can we adapt your story for our success stories collection?
If so, can you please send me an adapted version, or I can simply throw 
it in as is :)

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker      mod_perl Guide

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