md wrote:
> What I'm really trying to do is more like the PHP I'm
> replacing. I should be able to go to:
> for a dynamic page 
> and
> for a static page.
> I'm guessing that my best solution would be to use
> HTML::Mason or Apache::ASP instead of
> Template-Toolkit.

Why?  Just because you don't have literal files for those URLs with TT 
and with Mason or ASP you would?

I don't really see the problem.  You can map all the URLs that end with 
a certain extension to one module that does some work and then calls a 
template.  You can map individual URLs or sets of URLs to separate 
modules that do different processing and call a template.  You could 
even put the actual files there and use Apache::Template to serve them. 
  Apache::Template has a hook to add your processing code before the 
template gets run, and you can have multiple handlers that do different 
processing in different locations.

> I may try using the PerlTransHandler to change the uri
> to a location...say with
> the uri gets changed to
> /modperl (or
> the uri becomes /modperl/somedir) which is used in a
> <Location /modperl> directive.

What does that get you?  I don't see why you would want to do that.

- Perrin

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