John Siracusa wrote:
> On 6/30/02 2:06 AM, Stas Bekman wrote:
>>John Siracusa wrote:
>>>(I'm not sure if this is a mod_perl thing of a Mac OS X bug, so I'm posting
>>>it to both lists.  Redirect follow-ups as appropriate.)
>>>open2() doesn't seem to work for me when running under mod_perl in Mac OS X.
>>It's not a bug in MacOSX, it simply doesn't work with mod_perl.
> I can't post a direct example now (because I don't have access to the
> machine from here), but I'm pretty sure I do have an example of open2()
> working under mod_perl in Linux--in a perl that is not compiled with sfio.
> That's why I thought it was a Mac OS X bug.
> The mod_perl guide talks about the output from system(), exec(), and open(F,
> "| ...") not being sent to the browser, but it doesn't mention open2().  In
> the case of open2(), the input and output is supposed to be tied to
> filehandles that I supply, not connected to mod_perl's (tied?) STDOUT that
> eventually goes to the browser.
> So could you clarify why open2() is not expected to work under mod_perl, and
> why it seems to work for me in Linux?  (I'll post the working Linux example
> once I can confirm it on Monday.)

I should have said that your example doesn't work on linux with mod_perl 
with sfio-enabled perl, since I've tried it and it didn't work. That's 
why I've assumed that it's not MacOSX problem.

I really didn't have a chance to investigate why it doesn't work. I've 
just tried other alternatives which worked so I've posted them, since I 
thought that it was important to you to have a working solution. Feel 
free to debug the whole thing and post the details of what exactly 
doesn't work and if possible how to fix that.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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