On Mon, 8 Jul 2002, Gerald Richter wrote:

> Hi Randy,
> >    I've placed an updated perl-5.6.1/Apache-1.3.26/mod_perl-1.27
> > Win32 binary package, perl-win32-bin-0.8.exe (a self-extracting
> > archive), in ftp://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/pub/other/.
> Is this package binary compatible with ActiveState, i.e. can I do a ppm
> install to get additional packages?
> Gerald

Hi Gerald,
   Yes, it's based on the sources of build 633 of ActiveState.
I've also included the ppm utility for adding packages; some
adjustments in Perl/site/lib/ppm.xml may be needed if Perl is
installed to other than C:/Perl/.
   Competely off-topic, but I would like to be able to make up
an msi package of this, so different components could be
installed to desired locations, and a script then run to adjust
accordingly the various config files. I got an add-on to Visual
Studio to make msi packages, but as near as I can tell, you have
to add files one at a time, which is a bit tedious ... Obviously
there's a better way - if anyone's familiar with this, could you
drop me a mine, privately? Thanks.

best regards,

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