On Tue, 9 Jul 2002, Ron Savage wrote:

> On Mon, 8 Jul 2002 00:24:30 -0500 (CDT), Randy Kobes wrote:
> >Hi,
> >I've placed an updated perl-5.6.1/Apache-1.3.26/mod_perl-1.27
> >Win32 binary package, perl-win32-bin-0.8.exe (a self-extracting
> >archive), in ftp://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/pub/other/. This
> I cannot get this to start properly under WinNT.
> Symptoms:
> 1)
> shell>Apache.exe -n Apache -k install
> 2 lines of output appear:
> Installing the Apache service
> The Apache service has been installed successfully.
> and then a Windows error box, containing:
> The instruction at "0x..." referenced memory at "0x...". The memory
> could not be 'read'.
> Nevertheless, Apache is installed, and can be uninstalled.
[ ... ]

Does it start OK, and give the server signature, if you just do
   C:\Apache> Apache.exe
I think the problem might be in Embperl - try commenting out the
Embperl directives towards the bottom of httpd.conf and see if
that helps in starting the service. Neverthless, as you say,
things seem to work OK even with these errors on start-up.

best regards,

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