I know there are servlets, but I was led to believe that I would almost
be able to drop my mod_perl modules into the iPlanet server, as if it
has some equivelent functionality. If so, I can't find any evidence of
it, and I'm rather skeptical.

The company is making us migrate (some baloney about being legally
vulnerable because we're using open source), and I've got to convert a
nice, simple, efficient Apache/mod_perl/MySQL solution to iPlanet/LDAP.

Am I looking at a complete redesign here?


Also, it looks as though we're going to end up with iPlanet web *and*
LDAP servers on this midrange Sun Solaris server, trying to coexist
with an Oracle data warehouse as well as *ALL* our ongoing "production"
code, which constitutes sometimes as much as 80-hours runtimes for some
of the heavy hitters. We're out of budget and wrestling with a demented
IT department that insists we can't use free stuff that's *ALREADY*

If anyone has a miraculous suggestion, I will light many candles in
your honor. *sigh*


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