On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 02:43:18PM -0700, Paul wrote:
> I know there are servlets, but I was led to believe that I would almost
> be able to drop my mod_perl modules into the iPlanet server, as if it
> has some equivelent functionality. If so, I can't find any evidence of
> it, and I'm rather skeptical.
> The company is making us migrate (some baloney about being legally
> vulnerable because we're using open source), and I've got to convert a
> nice, simple, efficient Apache/mod_perl/MySQL solution to iPlanet/LDAP.
> Am I looking at a complete redesign here?

If they won't let you use open-source tools, then the
answer is definitely "yes".  (Perl is open-source.)

And migrating from a relational database to LDAP might
not be as obvious as... oh well.  Anyway, if you can't
get them to listen to reason, there's an NSAPI module
on CPAN:


But it's dated 1998, and iplanet is multi-threaded.

And of course, the module is open-source as well.


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