--- Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul wrote:
> > The problem isn't so much the registry as the API.
> Any use of the Apache API would have to be rewritten.  There is no
> way around that.

That's what I figured.

> > I don't know how I'm going to do all that with iPlanet/LDAP without
> > a lot of recoding, probably in Java. :(
> There's nothing you've mentioned so far that requires Java.  It would
> be much faster to port it to FastCGI or the like.

I just meant that iPlanet's internal API was probably going to require
Java or C, and not Perl. I can redo most of it as CGI if necessary, but
some of that will require slieght-of-code like embedding data in
cookies or hidden form elements &c.... though I do that some already
anyway. I just prefer having all the data from the engine available
from the request object, and I'm gonna miss that. 

Still, the SUN rep talks a good game, and my paycheck demands that I
play the game the way the big bosses want.

As an aside, this should begin next month. Would the list be interested
in a running commentary of how things are done on the new one, or would
that be too much spammy line-noise?

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