On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 02:43:18PM -0700, Paul wrote:
> The company is making us migrate (some baloney about being legally
> vulnerable because we're using open source), and I've got to convert a
> nice, simple, efficient Apache/mod_perl/MySQL solution to iPlanet/LDAP.
> Am I looking at a complete redesign here?

That totally sux0rs :(  Maybe you should try hitting the powers-that-be
with a large 2x4" clue-stick?  Or mention that other huge businesses
such as imdb, banner ad companies, etc use it and are still sucessful
and raking in the cash.  A long shot but.....


Alan "Arcterex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   -=][=-   http://arcterex.net
"I used to herd dairy cows. Now I herd lusers. Apart from the isolation, I
think I preferred the cows. They were better conversation, easier to milk, and
if they annoyed me enough, I could shoot them and eat them." -Rodger Donaldson

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