    I've placed at
a package providing a mod_perl interface to the GeoIP library,
which is used to look up in a database the country of origin of
an IP address. See http://www.maxmind.com/ for details. Two
modules are provided - Apache::Geo::IP, which looks up by IP
address or hostname the associated country, and
Apache::Geo::Mirror, which looks up in a file containing a list
of mirrors the closest mirror by country. Both modules subclass
things to provide these methods through the request object.
   For those familiar with the GeoIP library, this package is
self-contained, in that the C code for the library and a copy of
a recent database are provided.
   As well as on the package itself, I'd be interested in hearing
about the build procedure. Versions of these modules for both
mod_perl-1 and mod_perl-2 are provided, and a framework is used
for choosing the appropriate version to build (if both mod_perl-1
and mod_perl-2 are available, the user can choose). As well,
tests are provided, using Apache::Test of the mod_perl-2 sources
or from the httpd-test distribution. I've tried these things
using mod_perl-1 and mod_perl-2 on both linux and Win32, but
wider tests would make this framework more portable and useful.

best regards,
randy kobes

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