On Sat, Dec 21, 2002 at 12:53:34AM -0500, kyle dawkins wrote:
> Are you for real?
> Or is this some lame attempt at sarcasm?
> Andrzej posts to the list, SHARING some code he's written in case some 
> people actually might use it, and he gets bitchslapped with some 
> holier-than-thou rhetoric?  Puh-leaze.  Take your total bullshit 
> somewhere else because you're about as constructive as 
> Richard-f**king-Stallman.
> You may not know this, but people actually use perl for things other 
> than one-liners.  Commercial projects actually use perl, and oftentimes 
> these commercial projects are sensitive and copyrighted.  And 
> occasionally, just occasionally, these projects actually want to have 
> some level of security, for numerous reasons that I'm sure Andrzej 
> could explain quite easily to us if he were asked.

And if they do have something to protect, they should put their
thinking caps on and realize that this sort of "security" is called
obfuscation for a reason: it does not accomplish anything except to
make the results hard to read.  If you're giving away or selling the
perl source, obfuscating it doesn't have any significant effect.

Daniel Jacobowitz
MontaVista Software                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer

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