On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 04:26:51PM +0100, Dr. Helmut Zeilinger wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> i had a similar problem with DBI. Did you reinstall (recompile) the
> DBI module after you installed Perl 5.80 from a previous Perl version (and 
> maybe all DBD drivers)?

No.  This was a fresh install of OpenBSD 3.3-beta (-current) which comes
with Perl 5.8.0 and I added mysql, DBI, DBD::*, and mod_perl after the fact.

So there was no previous Perl version to have DBI compiled for and lying



"Burnished gallows set with red
 Caress the fevered, empty mind
 Of man who hangs bloodied and blind
 To reach for wisdom, not for bread."  -- Deoridhe Grimsdaughter

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