Here's the thread to date:

On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 10:27:22AM -0500, Dan Brosemer wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 04:35:39AM -0800, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:
> > > Hi.  I'm new here, and hoping someone can help me.  I've installed the
> > > latest -current version of OpenBSD, and loaded mod_perl as a DSO.  That gets
> > > me Apache 1.3.27, Perl 5.8.0, and mod_perl 1.27.

The plot thickens.  Loading mod_perl statically gets rid of this problem.
Even with otherwise-identical configure arguments.

Yet, the DSO mod_perl works fine except when I preload DBI.

I'm _quite_ confused.  I'd really like the DSO method to work, as then I
wouldn't have to modify the OpenBSD source tree (any more than I normally
do, anyway).  Does anyone have suggestions?

Even pointers for where in the code to look would be much appreciated.



"Burnished gallows set with red
 Caress the fevered, empty mind
 Of man who hangs bloodied and blind
 To reach for wisdom, not for bread."  -- Deoridhe Grimsdaughter

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