Hi all

Here's a stripped-down version of a script I use:
use Image::Magick;
my $image=Image::Magick->new(size=>'75x75');
my @x = 

If the font can't be found, I get this in my error log:
Exception 415: UnableToReadFont (@/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ttf/Ritalin.ttf) at 
/path/to/script line 584.
[Thu Feb 27 15:17:07 2003] [alert] Child 8329 returned a Fatal error... 
Apache is exiting!

Even using an Error.pm try/catch block makes no difference. Pretend
for a moment that you have no specific knowledge of the library which
causes this problem: is there any black box approach to stopping some
library's complaints from shutting down my web server?



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