
I just upgraded Apache to 2.0.45 (from 2.0.44),
and now most of my perl-generated sites crash.
They worked perfectly before.

Server is Apache 2.0.45 on W2000 + mod_perl-2 1.99_09-dev,
as said in the subject.

I just checked again with 2.0.44, everything works
(nothing changed except Apache).

One script still works with 2.0.45, but it has only a few subs that don't
do anything.

Logs always show some error message like these:

[Fri Apr 04 15:49:29 2003] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 1073807364 -- Restarting.


[Fri Apr 04 15:46:53 2003] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 -- Restarting.

Any ideas? Do I need a recompile of mod_perl-2? (I hope somebody makes one, I can't)

Thank You,

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