
On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 01:56:58PM -0700, Dennis G. Allard wrote:
> > You don't need perl-blead (which is probably Stas' install of the latest
> > unstable Perl version)
> > 
> > This will do the same job:
> > % perl -Mmod-perl -le 'print mod_perl->VERSION'
> Bummmer, that does not work either for me on Red Hat 8.0:

Sorry, typo: it should say -Mmod_perl instead of -Mmod-perl, i.e.:

% perl -Mmod_perl -le 'print mod_perl->VERSION'

#!/usr/bin/perl                               http://domm.zsi.at
for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}

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