On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 12:12, Clinton Gormley wrote:
I had a look at the memory usage of my apache/mod_perl 1 processes, and was alarmed to find that only 3Mb of 25Mb processes was being shared (and that's straight after startup)

I have gone to great lengths to
(1) Preload modules in my startup file
(2) Load shared config data during server startup so that that info can also be shared

i've pulled everything out and started adding it back in, and it looks like nothing much gets shared other than the perl interpreter.

When I load nothing,  the size of my processes starts at 4204 (2504 shared) . When I load everything, the size rises to 17144 (3920 shared) - not much is being shared...

Am I being really dumb here?  What am I missing?



My Apache compile options :

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache-1.3.27_perl_ssl_mm \
--activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a \
--disable-module=userdir \
--disable-module=asis \
--disable-module=include \
--enable-shared=info \
--enable-shared=status \
--enable-module=so \
--enable-shared=env \
--enable-shared=setenvif \
--enable-shared=negotiation \
--enable-shared=autoindex \
--enable-shared=access \
--enable-shared=auth \
--enable-shared=cgi \
--enable-shared=actions \
--disable-module=imap \
    --enable-module=ssl \
--enable-shared=ssl \

mod_perl compile options

perl Makefile.PL \
APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.27/src \

My startup file (which is required in the apache config):

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all', NONFATAL => 'redefine';
use Apache();
use Apache::DBI();
use lib Apache->server_root_relative ('projects/traveljury/modules');

$Apache::VMonitor::PROC_REGEX = join "|", qw(httpd mysql);

## Set DB connection credentials
use TravelJury::Startup::InitDBI();

## Load constants before using Apache::DBI so that $dbh from parent process doesn't get shared
use TravelJury::Startup::Constants();

## Any initialisation which needs to occure during server startup
use TravelJury::Startup::ServerInit();

use TravelJury::Gateway();

Apache->push_handlers(PerlChildInitHandler =>'TravelJury::Startup::ChildInit');


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