On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 13:03, Ged Haywood wrote:
> > I had a look at the memory usage of my apache/mod_perl 1 processes,
> > and was alarmed to find that only 3Mb of 25Mb processes was being
> > shared (and that's straight after startup)

I see about the same on my own server when processes get bloated, but
I don't let the processes live to serve large numbers of requests so
eventually they're killed off and replaced with new, smaller children.
But this is happening right at startup... before any bloating.
Sounds a little on the high side, but not outrageous.  You're putting
quite a lot of stuff into your httpd, do you really need it all?
Sorry - that includes the perl processor.

I don't think so.  If it's a problem for your machines you might want
to consider a light proxy front end + mod_perl backend.  
I will be using a lightweight frontend, but clearly still want to optimise my mod_perl processes.

But I just don't get why I'm seeing the numbers I'm seeing.

I preload everything, and yet the shared memory rises all of 1Mb, while the unshared memory rises 12Mb, before the first request has been served!  Surely, at this stage, pretty much everything should stil be shared?

yours bemusedly


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