On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 11:43, Jean-Sebastien Guay wrote:
> And I can see in the error_log that $image is still the absolute path
> ("D:/htdocs/images/project/prefix/bob.jpg" in our example) even after
> the change.

I don't see anything wrong with that chunk of code.  If you restart the
server, does it pick up the change?  Is there anything unusual about the
way you call this sub (AUTOLOAD, function ref, etc.)?

Reloading modules is not foolproof.  Perl doesn't actually support it,
so things like Apache::Reload fake it by removing the module from %INC
and making it get compiled again.  This usually works for things in the
symbol table, but people have reported problems in the past with things
that keep references to lexicals (closures) and other somewhat magical
features.  However, your code here looks pretty vanilla and seems like
it should be working fine with Reload.

- Perrin 

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