> How can you tell?  Can you post some sample code?  You might be doing
> something that doesn't work when reloaded, like closures.

Well, here's the code I'm trying to run. (I have verified that
Param('script_root') returns D:/htdocs, as expected). The initial code
was this:

sub getImage {
    my ($project, $shotprefix, $shot) = @_;

    $shot =~ s/\./_/;

    my $image = Param('script_root') . '/' .

    # Check if the shot-specific image exists
    if (!-e $image) {
        # If not, use the generic image
        $image = Param('script_root') . '/' .

        if (!-e $image) {
            $image = Param('script_root') . '/' . "images/no_image.gif";

    warn "-- image is $image";
    return $image;

I changed it to this:

sub getImage {
    my ($project, $shotprefix, $shot) = @_;

    $shot =~ s/\./_/;

    my $image = "images/$project/$shotprefix/$shot.jpg";

    # Check if the shot-specific image exists
    if (!-e Param('script_root') . '/' . $image) {
        # If not, use the generic image
        $image = "images/$project/generic.jpg";

        if (!-e Param('script_root') . '/' . $image) {
            $image = "images/no_image.gif";

    warn "-- image is $image";
    return $image;

The first piece of code would see that, for example,
"D:/htdocs/images/project/prefix/bob.jpg" exists, and return that whole

The second piece of code would see that
"D:/htdocs/images/project/prefix/bob.jpg" exists but only return
"images/project/prefix/bob.jpg". That's what I want.

And I can see in the error_log that $image is still the absolute path
("D:/htdocs/images/project/prefix/bob.jpg" in our example) even after
the change.


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