Jonathan Field wrote:
> I was surprised that the "SCALAR(0x8ca70e4)" output was identical on
> subsequent requests to a child -- indicating to me that the ref (and what
> it was refering to) may have survived the request cycle?  I guess would
> have expected a different ref, especially after running through the top
> part of the handler again, where it reinitializes them.  I've included the
> code again below for convenience).

To avoid allocating and reallocating lexical variables, perl
preallocates memory pads for them, in which they are stored. perl knows
how to allocate the pads and to which lexical scope to attach them via
the my() compile-time declaration. So, it's not surprising the address
of this value doesn't change between runs.

> Also, the internal magic (switching from PV to PVMG) seems to survive the
> request cycle?  Regardlesss of whether the $r->print() behavior is going
> to be changed, I was surprised that the regex from first request effected
> the behavior on the second request.

Yes, this magic is used to attach matching positions to a string, or
something like that (can't remember precisely). Since the string
"hello\n" isn't destroyed between runs of the handler, magic stays
there. This is an unfortunate side-effect of pattern matching. Getting
rid of it would be a good thing, -- but would probably involve lots of
work on the scary regex engine.

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