
This message is probably coming at a bad time with the recent release of
RC5. I'm still in the process of migrating from mp1 to mp2-RC4 at the
moment. I have a directory which is setup to be served via
ModPerl::Registry. When I try to open the path with only the directory
name (e.g., http://localhost/), I receive a 404 error in my browser and
get errors in my log like the following:

   Attempt to serve directory: /home/path/to/document/root/

If I put a filename in the url (e.g., http://localhost/index) or disable
perl-handler, Apache is correctly serving the index file. Any ideas on
why Apache would appear to be ignoring my DirectoryIndex setting?

Here's the relevant part of my httpd.conf:

<Directory "/home/www/public_html">
  AllowOverride None
  Options ExecCGI MultiViews -Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
  DirectoryIndex index login index.html

  # default handler is perl-script
  PerlSendHeader On
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry

  <Files *.html>
    SetHandler None
  <Files *.css>
    SetHandler None

This configuration had been working under mp1.


Knowmad Services Inc.

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