One should really try mod_fcgid + perl application. that is lighter, faster,
and more stable.
mod_fcgid provides also authenticate/authorize/access controls, besides
dynamical content.
These are probably all you want to get from mod_perl.

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Perrin Harkins <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 5:03 PM, Rolf Schaufelberger <> wrote:
> >> My approach to this problem would be to run separate httpd servers for
> >> each version of the code you need to support and use a proxy in front
> >> to do the dispatching.
> >
> > yes, I've tried this too, but this leads to a big memory footprint too.
> If you have 10 sites and make separate (preforking) instance for each vhost,
> with StartServers = 2 and set the other parameters (Min/MaxSpareServers etc)
> to low values, you quickly get 20 oder 30 fat apache processes. Ok, you can
> get this running with enough memory,  but the idea of  instance pools seems
> to be a better and more elegant solution for this.
> I don't understand what would be different.  My suggestion was to run
> one httpd server for each version of the code that you need, possibly
> with virtual hosts on each if there are multiple hosts that use the
> same version of the code.  If you had an "instance pool", wouldn't it
> also be multiple processes (or threads if you prefer) per version of
> code?  I don't see how you could avoid that.  Were you thinking you'd
> reset the perl interpreters completely between requests so that one
> could be shared between multiple versions of code?
> > I've discussed this once with Torsten Förtsch who is a mod_perl expert
> nearby, his opinion was, that it wouldn't be  very much code that has to be
> added for this.
> Torsten is a major contributor and I'm sure that whatever he had in
> mind would be cool.
> - Perrin

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