On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Phil Van <pv2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One should really try mod_fcgid + perl application. that is lighter, faster,
> and more stable.
> mod_fcgid provides also authenticate/authorize/access controls, besides
> dynamical content.
> These are probably all you want to get from mod_perl.

Do you mean this module:

Yes the author of mod_fcgid is one of my friends.
He wrote the module orignally for NetEase webmail systems, and it
behave well there.
The PV each day for netease freemail systems is more than 100 million I believe.

And for mod_perl, I have been running a mp2 handler in our production
application for more than 3 years, never had problems.


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