We are using Mason 1.x,  a (little) modified version of MasonX::WebApp together 
with Apache2 and mod_perl2  running  behind a lightweight Apache as 
frontend-server. We use mod_perl for Mason and Apache2::UploadProgress , no 
other mod_perl handlers. Session management is done with MasonX::WebApp and 

I've been playing around with Mason2, Plack, Catalyst and Dancer, where I liked 
the easier data passing to my templates than with MasonX::WebApp in Catalyst, 
which leads to a stricter separation from HTML and Perl code. Yet I haven't 
made any tests with file uploading in combination with a progress-meter on the 
client side and some other aspects that are important for us, so there is no 
decision yet, if we will using Apache and mod_perl for this or switch to a PSGI 
Server or even nginx. The current standing is to switch to Catalyst with 
Mason2, but this is a long way to go.

There is one point that I would like to see in mod_perl that would help me a 

Currently,  I can use on Perl instance in all virtual hosts  or add  a separate 
instance with +Parent for a virtual host. Yet , if I have  some virtual hosts 
running with version A , some with Version B,  some with Version C  I have to 
add +Parent for each  vhost and I,m running out of memory. So , I would like to 
make instance pools one for each version , and tell each vhost  just, which 
pool to use.
So, memory usage is a con for mod_perl, or in other words , if I would found a 
PSGI based solution which allows something like this this would be an argument 
for me to switch!

Rolf Schaufelberger

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