On Fri, 30 Oct 1998, Jake Buchholz wrote:

> I'd love to pass along more information (It'd make things easier for me
> to recompile each time a new version of SSLeay, Apache, or mod_ssl came
> out ;) but I'm not sure to what extent I'm allowed to help.  (Seeing as
> how I'm in the states, yadda yadda...)

That is the joys of the laws here.. :/

> Also, I was lucky enough to have found someone who had successfully linked
> SSLeay with BSAFE's RSA and RC4 routines--and that's the _real_ trick--so
> I'd need to ask his permission for any sharing along those lines.

I was looking for info on this and ran across a page with a patch that
took care of it for the most part.  I'll look up the URL and see if I
can re-find it. 

Most people I found that had done this integration were tight lipped on
how they did it which was alittle frustrating, even with offers of
consulting $$.


Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)   www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
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