On Tue, May 02, 2000 at 12:12:44PM -0700, Brian J. Rohan wrote:
>    In the mod_ssl manual, Chapter three covers various configurations
> directives.  What config file are these directives added to in order to
> use them??  Can this config file be edited, saved, then stop the server,
> restart the server, and the changes take place, or do I need to
> re-compile the server??
The mod_ssl configuration directives are for use in the normal apache 
configuration file (usually /path/to/apache/conf/httpd.conf). As always
the server must be restarted before the changes are loaded.


Mads Toftum
`Darn it, who spiked my coffee with water?!' - lwall
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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