In addition to Owen's salient points about compression working efficiently
on repetitive strings in plaintext/binary data (e.g. whitespace in a Word
document) and not on random data (e.g. encrypted data), some encryption
algorithms can actually be weakened by compressing the resulting data,
giving a cryptanalyzer clues to the inner workings of the algorithm.

The bottom line here is that SSL works on the socket/transport layer and not
at the application layer.  If you're generating a .gz file on-the-fly within
Apache (mod_gzip, etc), the result will still be encrypted *after*
compression.  The output chain of Apache applies SSL as the last stage, so
something like mod_gzip will operate *before* SSL.  Most modern browsers
produced in the last four or five years will decompress a .gz file (not
.zip!) for the user - even on Windows (just tested IE6 on XP .. works fine).
If you've ever experimented with VRML, one "best practices" is to send files
as .wrl.gz and not straight .wrl.

As for SSL packets being larger - they're not to any appreciable degree -
for the exact reason Owen pointed out below.  Even symmetric cipher
algorithms don't produce appreciably larger amounts of data.  For example,
using Chained Block Cipher (CBC) mode will only increase the amount of data
by 8 bytes from adding an Initialization Vector (IV) to the beginning of the
ciphertext and padding the end of the ciphertext to get a complete final
block (with an 8 byte block cipher like Blowfish, the largest amount of
padding will only be 7 bytes).  So, at most, you've added 15 bytes to even
the largest amount of plaintext data using Blowfish in CBC mode.  There are
a few exotic exceptions here, like interleaved chaining block ciphers which
will add an IV (of the same size as above) per parallel operation (so if
you've got four parallel encryption operations using interleaved CBC, you're
adding 24 bytes at the beginning of the ciphertext).  However, these are
exceptionally rare and typically limited to proprietary

Addressing one other misconception here.. a packet can contain up to 1500
bytes - including headers (assuming your network handles MTUs of 1500, some
are less (like ATM @ 53 bytes [48 bytes of payload w/5 bytes of header),
some are more (like Frame Relay @ up to 4500 bytes), but hey, not many
desktops are connected with ATM or Frame, so we'll call the connection
standard ethernet with a MTU of 1500.  The way networks operate and packets
are forwarded, smaller packets actually transmit *less* data for any given
amount of time over larger packets.  Switches and routers (OSI layer 2 and 3
devices) operate on packet forwarding rates, regardless of the amount of
data in the packet.  The more data in the packet, the more data you're going
to get for X period of time - this is one factor that introduces latency
into a network.  Lots of small packets going through a network simply
transmit less data than lots of large packets .. and since the only
appreciable metric is the number of packets and the packet forwarding rate
of the network device, the larger the packet, the happier the network and
the more data getting to the end user.  The *only* place this is going to
make a difference is if you've got an -inline- intrusion
detection/prevension system (IDS/IPS), in which case you've got what most
network engineers would consider to be a design flaw anyway.  In this case,
each packet needs to be inspected and the more data there is, the more there
is to be inspected.  Most IDS sensors will simply discard packets being
inspected rather than slow the network down (Snort does this when it's
either misconfigured or overloaded).

So.. go for it.  Use mod_gzip (or similar) to generate .gz docs on the fly
.. let Apache handle your SSL.  If anything, your win comes from SSL having
to encrypt *less* data.  This won't speed up the handshake phase, but will
speed up the rest of the transaction since there's simply less data to
encrypt and transmit.  How much speed improvement you get is completely
dependent on how much compression you're getting.  If you can take a 100K
document and compress it to 25K, that's a 75% reduction in the amount of
data SSL needs to encrypt and reduces the number of packets from about 66 to
around 16 - again, not including the SSL handshake/setup and general TCP

If you're bogging down your server with all the SSL transactions, look at
investing in a SSL accelerator.  If your business model depends on both
security *and* performance, then the cost (starting around 20K$USD) should
be easily justified.  But that's the subject of another mail and I've got
some coffee getting cold over here. ;-)

Hope this didn't glaze your eyes over. :-)

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Boyle Owen
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 7:02 AM
Subject: RE: configuration question

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Arthur Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Hi Boyle,
>I've been debating with myself over whether to encrypt
>everything, that's a
>cogent argument you have offered. I have a few questions myself :
>(1) assuming an openssl encrypted packet is bigger than a
>plain text one,

Why would you assume this? Essentially;

        encrypted_text = f(plain_text, key)

where f() is a mathematical function. I guess the 2nd law of thermodynamics
("entropy increases") would tend to cause the output to increase but not
necessarily by much. In the simple case of a substitutional cipher, the
encrypted text would be precisely the same size as the plain text.

>would mod_gzip shrink it significantly to warrant the effort?

Zipping algorithms work by replacing repetitive sequences in the input with
shorter instructions to regenerate them (e.g. 1000 blue pixels -> "1 blue
pixel x 1000"). Compression works best with highly structured input data
(bitmaps, WAV files, human language etc). With random data, it can't make
much difference and will even cause the file to grow! (try repeatedly
zipping a file to see this happening).

>(2) and would that slow down the client browser display of content ?

Unzipping requires the client to have winzip - not a default on a windows
client! Probably this would slow the whole thing down.

Remember that SSL is well-defined on the web and all recent browsers contain
fast and effective SSL software - I would trust it to do its job and not try
to re-invent the wheel.

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored.

>On the other hand, with these new  1GHz+ P4 desk- and lap-tops
>around, maybe
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Boyle Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 04:49 PM
>Subject: RE: configuration question
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Henrik Bentel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>I have a web app which serves both static and non static content, both
>>secure and unsecure(https and http).
>>Now, all my ssl configuration is under my secure virtual host,
>>such that it applies to everything. However, I have quite a bit static
>>content(images, css, javascript.,...) which doesn't need to be very
>secure. I
>>somewhat only want to secure my dynamic content.
>To add to Cliff's comment about browsers complaining about the mix of
>secure an insecure content there is a genuine security reason for *not*
>doing what you propose.
>Put yourself in the position of a crook who has gained access to the
>datastream flowing into your SSL server. As you are probably aware, all
>encryption ciphers can be cracked by a brute force attack (making
>repeated attempts at guesssing the key). Hopefully, the time-to-crack
>will be "long", but you don't know how fast the crook's computer is. If
>he works for the NSA, it might be very fast indeed. If you serve all
>content via SSL, he has no idea which packets are important and which
>are just images etc. so he has to crack everything. If you decide to
>save a teeny bit of processing on the server by encrypting only the
>important things, he then sees lots of "en clair" packets (containing
>image data etc.) which he can safely ignore and only a few occasional
>nuggets of encrypted data which he can be sure are worth cracking. Thus
>he can focus his efforts on these. Therefore, you make life
>easy for the
>cracker by highlighting the packets that are worth cracking! In other
>words, the best place to hide a leaf is in the forest.
>You shouldn't need to worry about the processing load of the SSL
>encryption. If it is slowing your server, then, frankly, your server is
>not powerful enough to serve the traffic you have - get more memory,
>upgrade the chipset, do whatever is necessary to get up to speed.
>Owen Boyle
>Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored.
>>But, I don't want to generate absolute URLs on the fly to link to
>>non-secure static content. What I want is to make request to
>>certain urls
>>"less secure" such that processing is faster. For example, I have a
>>directory called art, which is just a defined alias for a
>>directory. Is
>>there a way to make ssl processing for this directory less
>>restrictive than
>>for the "generic requests" to the virtual host so that
>>processing is faster?
>>Home someone can help
>>Henrik Bentel
>>Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
>>User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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>Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
>User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
>User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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