"Dave Paris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In addition to Owen's salient points about compression working efficiently
> on repetitive strings in plaintext/binary data (e.g. whitespace in a Word
> document) and not on random data (e.g. encrypted data), some encryption
> algorithms can actually be weakened by compressing the resulting data,
> giving a cryptanalyzer clues to the inner workings of the algorithm.
No reasonable encryption algorithm will be weakened this way.

> As for SSL packets being larger - they're not to any appreciable degree -
> for the exact reason Owen pointed out below.  Even symmetric cipher
> algorithms don't produce appreciably larger amounts of data.  For example,
> using Chained Block Cipher (CBC) mode will only increase the amount of data
> by 8 bytes from adding an Initialization Vector (IV) to the beginning of the
> ciphertext and padding the end of the ciphertext to get a complete final
> block (with an 8 byte block cipher like Blowfish, the largest amount of
> padding will only be 7 bytes).  So, at most, you've added 15 bytes to even
> the largest amount of plaintext data using Blowfish in CBC mode.  There are
> a few exotic exceptions here, like interleaved chaining block ciphers which
> will add an IV (of the same size as above) per parallel operation (so if
> you've got four parallel encryption operations using interleaved CBC, you're
> adding 24 bytes at the beginning of the ciphertext).  However, these are
> exceptionally rare and typically limited to proprietary
> implementations/applications.
You're forgetting the MAC.

> Addressing one other misconception here.. a packet can contain up to 1500
> bytes - including headers (assuming your network handles MTUs of 1500, some
> are less (like ATM @ 53 bytes [48 bytes of payload w/5 bytes of header),
> some are more (like Frame Relay @ up to 4500 bytes), but hey, not many
> desktops are connected with ATM or Frame, so we'll call the connection
> standard ethernet with a MTU of 1500. 
The PMTU is largely irrelevant here since SSL records can be
much larger than the MTU. What's relevant here is the size
of the SSL stream vis a vis the plaintext stream.

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