On Fri, Dec 19, 2003 at 03:44:51PM +0100, Marco Marongiu wrote:
> Mark Stosberg wrote:
> >Dosn't DateTime::Set and DateTime::SpanSet already address this
> >problem-space, but in a more flexible way?
> >
> >http://search.cpan.org/~fglock/DateTime-Set-0.14/lib/DateTime/Set.pm
> >
> >It allows  "span sets" to be non-contiguous, such a set of meetings 
> >occurring every Wednesday. It also returns DateTime objects, giving
> >you all the flexibility of formatting and features that a such an
> >object implies.
> >
> >I'd be interesting in hearing a bit more about cases where this new 
> >module would be a better choice.
> I took a look at the page you mentioned.
> My module does just one, very specific thing. DateTime::Set is flexible, 
> powerful... but when you just need to iterate over a range of days with 
> a constant step, it looks overkill to me.
> DateTime::Set covers about all cases one could need to handle.

Thanks for the response. I can appreciate the distinction. Sometimes big
and powerful is a better approach, sometimes simplicity is better.
You might add a mention of this module to your SEE ALSO section if you
haven't already, though.



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