On Mon, 9 Feb 2004, Simon Cozens wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Smylers) writes:
> > Personally I found Simon's commentary on some mail-sending modules to be
> > very useful (and I didn't object to his choice of words: when he found
> > something he didn't like he merely said so -- he didn't insult the
> > code's author or make allegations about members of the author's familiar
> > or anything).
> To be honest, I understand that people get very attached to their work, and in
> a sense, if you attack their modules, you're attacking them. I'm sure I'd get
> upset if someone wrote long scathing criticisms of something I'd spent many
> years working on, even if they did start writing a better alternative; such a
> criticism can easily be seen to be personal, rather than objective.
> Even if it's done with benchmarks.

Well, there's more to comparing modules than benchmarks, as you well know.

Module X may be slowest, but if it's the only module that does what you
need then it's probably the best tool for you.

For example, DateTime's date math is considerably slower than
Date::Calc's.  But if you need multiple time zone support _and_ date math,
then it's DateTime or nothing, so clearly DateTime is the right choice
here ;)


House Absolute Consulting

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