* Mark Stosberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-02-09 15:26]:
> I think the CPAN rating system could be of further help here as
> well.  It could be integrated with the search.cpan.org search
> engine. The rating could appear on the results page, with
> top-rated modules appearing first. So, just searching for a
> module named "mail" should be begin to give you a sensible
> result. 

I like this proposition. However I'm just not sure I a) want it
used with no way to disable it b) want it used as the default.

> This public prominence would also encourage more people to use
> the system, I believe.

It would also encourage abuse, unfortunately.

In the current form of the system, it's *very* easy to sign up
with a few different names and write a bunch of reviews rating a
module well.

Not that I really want this changed; I like the simplicity of
CPANRatings.org. But if you want to use it for something like
your proposition, you need a tighter system. Unfortunately no
solution is going to be foolproof, only somewhat more or somewhat
less problematic, which is why I feel uneasy about the idea.


Ok, in thinking about it, I had an idea; I'll lay out how I got

* It's better to have comparative articles than module centric
  reviews; they're also less susceptible to manipulation.

* Maybe we could have a bunch of comparative articles about
  modules for certain common tasks, being presented on
  search.cpan.org for appropriate searches.

* Wait, there's already a way to put results in the search engine
  -- namely, uploading a distribution..

How about putting writing such comparative articles and posting
them under Introduction:: ? Like,
Introduction::Ways_to_send_and_read_Mail_with_Perl -- I know the
name is ugly, but it has to work within the constraints of module

Ideally, search.cpan.org would rank these as the top hits when
they're matched.

Funnily enough, the review system already in place would
immediately work for these as well, so people could review the
reviews.. :)

What does everyone think about the idea? I like it more the more
I think about it.

"If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough."

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