On Sun, Feb 08, 2004 at 07:18:38PM +0000, Smylers wrote:
> The Cpan rating thing may help somewhat in this regard -- I will log on
> and give MIME::Lite a good review sometime, honestly!
> What would really be useful is a comparison of the various mail-sending
> modules available, listing which features and interfaces each has and in
> which situations it can be used -- in the hope that by sticking to facts
> rather than including opinions it will not be too controversial; perhaps
> the various module authors could even link to it in each of the modules'
> docs?

I think the CPAN rating system could be of further help here as well.
It could be integrated with the search.cpan.org search engine. The
rating could appear on the results page, with top-rated modules
appearing first. So, just searching for a module named "mail" should be
begin to give you a sensible result. 

This public prominence would also encourage more people to use the
system, I believe.


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