* On 2008-02-04 Daniel T. Staal ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> [...]
> My first thought, after looking through your Wikipedia link, is to
> ask if there is anything specifcally 'chess' about your module: That
> ratings system looks to be useable (and used...) outside the one
> area.  

Yes, that's true. (Though I don't have much knowledge about its use
for other games or activities.)

Maybe my Wikipedia link was a bit misleading, because I primarily
aimed at calculating chess FIDE ratings (used as examples in the
Wikipedia article) -- and not at implementing the Elo system in its
"pure form". I guess the Elo system is usually modified in one or the
other way when used for rating calculation. Also, there might be
rating systems which don't use the Elo system but a completely
different system -- my impression is that the ECF grading system of
the English Chess Federation [1] uses another method.

But apart from that, you are right: It should be easy to add
algorithms for other (non chess) rating systems to my module -- and I
would be interested in doing that.

Therefore it would be good to find a more generic name than
"Chess::Rating" (or "Chess::Rating::Calculate"). I'm just a bit
chess-centric because I'm playing that game and not Go or others ;-)

> Perhaps Statistics::Ratings::Elo?

But isn't "Statistics" a bit misleading? My first thought about this
suggestion was "oh no, my module doesn't make any statistical analysis
at all".

* On 2008-02-04 David Cantrell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Daniel T. Staal wrote:
> >My first thought, after looking through your Wikipedia link, is to ask if
> >there is anything specifcally 'chess' about your module: That ratings
> >system looks to be useable (and used...) outside the one area.  Perhaps
> >Statistics::Ratings::Elo?
> Something very similar is used for Go ratings, at least in Europe.

Do you know, whether this link

is a reliable source about the Go rating system?

Best regards


[1] http://www.bcf.org.uk/grading/grading-system.htm

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