On Tue, Feb 05, 2008 at 09:34:32AM +0100, Christian Bartolomaeus wrote:
> * On 2008-02-04 David Cantrell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Daniel T. Staal wrote:
> > >My first thought, after looking through your Wikipedia link, is to ask if
> > >there is anything specifcally 'chess' about your module ...
> > Something very similar is used for Go ratings, at least in Europe.
> Do you know, whether this link
>   http://gemma.ujf.cas.cz/~cieply/GO/gor.html
> is a reliable source about the Go rating system?

Yes, at least as far as European ratings are concerned.

See also http://senseis.xmp.net/?RankWorldwideComparison

David Cantrell | Minister for Arbitrary Justice

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